##Marius’s experience##
sysadmin skills :
- Over 14 years extensive Linux sysadmin experience focusing on Debian / Ubuntu / Red Hat / CentOS / freeBSD
- Wide range of experience & familiarity with various Linux-based services (LAMP, Nginx, Bind, SSH, Squid, Varnish and more)
- Programming in Bash, Python, Perl, Sed, Awk etc..
- Mail server administration with Postfix, Spamassassin, Dovecot, qmail
- Years of designing and implementing infrastructure for large multi-national online campaigns with focus on scalability, high availability (loadbalancing/failover), performance (international PoP caching etc)
- Development of cloud-based tools and services, Libcloud API, CDN integration, Fileconveyor
- OpenLDAP implementation and integration with other services (RT, Jira, Nagios etc)
- HeartBeat, DRBD & MySQL replication HA load-balancing techniques
- Years of experience with VMware, Xen, XenServer, OpenVZ.
- Proficient in configuring Nagios, Munin, Jenkins monitoring systems
- OpenStack deploymens
- Swift ( is a highly available, distributed, eventually consistent object/blob store )
- Windows Server 2003/2008 (IIS, Active Directory, general management)
- Mac OS X Server (ServerAdmin / Workgroup Manager, OpenDirectory, general management)
networking :
- Experience configuring and maintaining Cisco devices and IOS
- Building iptables firewalls
- Experience maintaining an AS (BGP, RIP on LANs)
- Hurricane Electric Certified IPv6 Sage
config management / VCS :
- Puppet, Fabric, Capistrano tools for configuration/deployment magic
- Proficient in version control systems: Git, Subversion, CVS, RCS (!)
- Rancid (network device configuration management)
web development :
- Pioneer of cutting edge dev/stage/live deployment workflow paradigms with Drupal/Wordpress
- Proficient in PHP
- Proficient in MySQL, PostgreSQL
- Proficient in Ruby on Rails and Python
management / team leadership :
- Experience leading sysadmin teams, managing staff KPIs and continuous improvement
- Experience writing and implementing IT Operations policies, SLAs, technical Tender responses and I.T strategies for several businesses
- Designing, implementing and maintaining I.T budgets
disaster recovery and security auditing :
- Experience developing and implementing Disaster recovery / Backup procedures and strategies
- Experience developing Security policies and achieveing PCI-DSS compliance
- Experience developing backup testing and reporting tools
- Security auditing of servers (with report)
- Authorised penetration testing of infrastructure